With the release of GSX Pro, many have asked me if it is possible to integrate the two products, yes it is possible, and also in a very granular way.
As you well know, My Replacement assistance trucks is based on standard services and for this reason it also works on AI aircraft, GSX PRO is very specialized on user aircraft. With the steps that I will explain you will be able to use My Replacement assistance trucks for default services even for your plane if you do not need to use the more simulation procedures of GSX pro, and in addition My Replacement assistance trucks will serve all the AI as it already does.
Let’s see how to make everything compatible:
My Replacement assistance trucks is installed in my_msfs_installation\Official\onestore
Move the highlighted folder to community:
Launch the FSDT Installer from the desktop icon:
Locate GSX PRO and click on config (green box):
Suppose you want the My Replacement assistance trucks vehicles at LIMC, (It will always be possible to call GSX pro from its menu, but in addition you will have the standard My Replacement assistance trucks services around the plane that can be recalled with the standard keys of the simulator)
Type LIMC in box 1, highlight it in box 2, and press the arrow on box 3
this will deactivate the general GSX PRO services and allow My Replacement assistance trucks to take their place.
Do these operations for each airport where you want My Replacement assistance trucks.
Now you will have a list of airports with GSX PRO services disabled, in the example box 1, then press apply, box 2, and finally close with close, box 3.
Here is the result of the integration of My Replacement assistance trucks and GSX PRO, on the same simulator (LIMC on this video)