Still on the ground for this week!
Updated the coastlines and added the missing elements, also I added the high resolution bathymetry, obviously it is not necessary for the airplanes, but completes the high resolution mesh which is at the resolution of 1 mpx in the airport area (handmade) and 10 mpx for the rest of the island.
Ground surface on PHNL
The most expensive part in terms of development is the ground.Also in PHNL we have included some innovations; firstly we use all native PBR materials for the terrain using the new Prepar3d 5 sdk, and then we have a terrain that uses high resolution mesh rendered and managed by the simulator, improving performance and visual […]
Simultech work on Daniel K. Inouye International Airport
We are working on PHNL, the scenery will use a new technique for the ground in P3d 5 and PBR texture for all assets, it will be expressly designed for the new Flight simulator and for Prepar3d 5.